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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

India Unveils the World's Largest Solar Power Plant (aljazeera.com)

A Much Cleaner Earth

Kamuthi in Tamil Nadu, India is now home to the world's largest solar plant that adds 648 MW to the country's generating capacity. 

Previously, the Topaz Solar Farm in California, which was completed two years ago and has a capacity of 550 MW, held the title. Aljazeera reports:

The solar plant, built in an impressive eight months, is cleaned every day by a robotic system, charged by its own solar panels.
 At full capacity, it is estimated to produce enough electricity to power about 150,000 homes. 
The project is comprised of 2.5 million individual solar modules, and cost $679 million to build.
 The new plant has helped nudge India's total installed solar capacity across the 10 GW mark, according to a statement by research firm Bridge to India, joining only a handful of countries that can make this claim. 
As solar power increases, India is expected to become the world's third-biggest solar market from next year onwards, after China and the U.S.

Nice to see them buck the fossil fuel energy proponents.

1973 Gas Shortage
The fuel cell cars are now on the horizon.
They use abundant hydrogen derived from water and only exhaust pure clean water that you could water your house plants with or you can safely drink it yourself.
Expect to see them appearing on a road near you.
The Toyota Mirai was the first to emerge on the scene and it is totally awesome!!
Mirai means future in Japanese.

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