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Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Indonesia Wants To Criminalize Memes (dailydot.com)

While the United States has the First Amendment to justify the spread of memes that may ridicule political figures for example, the Indonesian government doesn't.

 In fact, it is looking to criminalize internet users for posting memes.

The Daily Dot reports via Jakarta Post:  

Its Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE) punishes any electronic media communication that incites fear or embarrassment under its defamation article. 

The public has continuously called for the article's removal, but instead Indonesia is introducing more restrictions to freedom of expression. 

Posting memes, texts, pictures, or videos would be punishable if found to have a defamatory or slanderous tone. 

According to the Indonesian government, this provision stands to prevent and control cyberbullying.

 But it can further be used as a political tool against opposition during elections. 

Since its implementation in 2008, 200 people have been prosecuted according to data from the Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network.

 Among the most notable cases, was the prosecution of Prita Mulyasari in 2009 for complaining about Omni International Hospital services on an online mailing list. 


What is chilling about this is that president Obama gave away the internet on his own last Saturday. No vote of the American public who technically owned the internet by reason of their taxes and being American citizens. No approval of congress.

Now who knows what could happen if governments pull crap like the above ( Indonesian ) and apply it to the internet as a whole.

 Thanks Obama nice...

And so it begins.


Web Domain Censorship BEGINS!

Obama Signed Internet AWAY to UN/ NWO

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