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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Did Jesus rise from the dead?

Y-Jesus attempts to present the evidence for Jesus' identity with an even-handed approach. 

Who did Jesus really claim to be?

Is the resurrection merely a Sunday school story without evidence?

Has the New Testament account of Jesus been rewritten by conspirators?

Is The Da Vinci Code right when it asserts that we have been duped?
Y-Jesus asks the tough questions about Jesus Christ.

 This somewhat skeptical approach may threaten some believers who have never dealt with these issues.

Yet, these questions about Jesus are the hottest topic in the national media.

 Francis Schaeffer stated that for faith to have conviction of the whole person, it must be based upon the mind as well as the heart.
Therefore, it is the purpose of Y-Jesus to think through the tough questions about "Who is the Real Jesus," and then look carefully at the evidence.

 What convinced the disciples?

Why were they and the early Christians willing to die for what they believed?

 How did we get the New Testament, and could the message have been rewritten?

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