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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

This happened before the flood of Noah.

Researchers at the University of California, Davis are working on creating half-human, half-animal hybrid embryos dubbed chimeras to better understand diseases and its progression.

 But not everybody is thrilled about it. IBTimes reports:  

One of the aims of the experiment using chimeras is to create farm animals with human organs. The body parts could then be harvested and transplanted into very sick people.

 However, a number of bioethicists and scientists frown on the creation of interspecies embryos which they believe crosses the line. New York Medical College Professor of Cell Biology and Anatomy Stuart Newman calls the use of chimeras as entering unsettling ground which damages "our sense of humanity."

They are not alone in voicing their opinion against the idea. Huffington Post adds:  
The project is so controversial that the National Institutes of Health has refused to fund it

The researchers are relying on private donors.

 Critics of these experiments say they are too risky because there is no way of knowing where the human stem cells will go. 

Will they just become a pancreas?

 Or could they become a brain? 

And if they become a brain, will the pigs who house them have human consciousness?

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