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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sunday Weather Report


 Heavy aerosol chemtrail spraying is visible all over the Los Angeles area today. 

 The barometric pressure has risen to 30.06" as more of the moisture field moves into Southern California on the Jet Stream.

Today its HAARP-generated high pressure along with the chemtrail aerosols to prevent the moisture being allowed in.

The chemical spraying is taking place high above the storm clouds moving in on the Jet Stream flow shown on today's IR and Watervapor maps.

 The chemtrail aerosols prevent lift necessary for precipitation by creating a capping inversion layer.

This aerosol spraying is done intentionally and repeatedly to modify our weather when moisture fields are moving into California and threatening rainfall.

One the East Coast we see that a developing storm is being targeted by microwaves; we see a distinct blast pattern on the Southern flank of the system in all of the maps, as well as pressure / shock waves generated from the superheated air and watervapor within the storm front from the microwave blast.

 A large aperture / opening is created in the weather system after it is targeted. Note the blast / pressure waves heading SE out into the Atlantic on a perpendicular vector from the general NE flow of the entire weather system.

 This is obvious weather manipulation and is probably planned to prevent 100's of flights from being cancelled near the Christmas holiday, which would be a financial blow to many airlines as well as an inconvenience for 10's of thousands of travelers.

 This evidence demonstrates how the weather controllers are screwing with Mother Nature for mainly financial means.

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