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Saturday, August 15, 2015


California is in its fifth year of drought; the past four years have been the driest four-year period in recorded history, and the hottest as well.

 There have been consistent worries about how it will affect California's residents and its economy — but somehow, the state still seems to be doing fine.

 "In 2014, the state's economy grew 27 percent faster than the country's economy as a whole — the state has grown faster than the nation every year of the drought. ... The drought has inspired no Dust Bowl-style exodus. 

California's population has grown faster even as the drought has deepened."

The article makes the case that California is pioneering the water preservation and governance techniques that will be helpful elsewhere in the country if the global climate continues to warm. 

"The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California now supplies roughly 19 million people in six counties, and it uses slightly less water than it did 25 years ago, when it supplied 15 million people.

 That savings — more than one billion gallons each day — is enough to supply all of New York City." 

The article notes, however, that this resilience won't last forever — if the drought continues for several more years, California will be in trouble despite their water-saving tactics.

( There is a 600 year capacity underground aquafier under Orange County CA. The water is brown from the ancient submerged Redwoods in it.)

Riverside county CA also has an underground aquafier that is ample for years and years. They are seeking an exemption to conservation because what's the point "we have plenty of water."

I expect lots of rain this winter.

After the geoengineers did their work over Texas they let them have it hard!

Now that we have had 5 years of geoengineering here in California, I expect the geoengineers will do to us this winter what they did to Texas.

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