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Thursday, June 25, 2015

The point when machines become so intelligent that humanity can no longer keep up


The Singularity would have a particular effect on the Christian and Judaic doctrine of Imago Dei, the idea that man is made in God’s image. 

While many Christians and Jews believe this doctrine to be sacred, they aren’t sure what the Imago Dei provides.

 The most popular theory is that Imago Dei provides man with his ability to imagine and reason.

 If the Singularity were to create a sentient machine with the ability to reason and imagine, it would give theologians reason to doubt whether man’s reasoning ability originates in the Imago Dei.

Imago Dei is also why Christian and Islamic scholars are skeptical of whether the Singularity could enhance computers to the point where they can store a human mind.

The same could be said about the Islamic doctrine of man, which emphasizes the uniqueness of Adam at the time of his creation in the Garden of Eden.


  “Pepper” has proved a smash hit in Japan, with all 1,000 units sold in just one minute.

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