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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Encryption Dereliction Condition

According to Daniel Mathews, new laws passed in Australia (but not yet in effect) could criminalize the teaching of encryption

 He explains how a ridiculously broad law could effectively make any encryption stronger than 512 bits criminal if your client is not Australian.

Image result for encryption He says, "In short, the DSGL casts an extremely wide net, potentially catching open source privacy software, information security research and education, and the entire computer security industry in its snare.

 Most ridiculous, though, are some badly flawed technicalities. 

 As I have argued before, the specifications are so imprecise that they potentially include a little algorithm you learned at primary school called division.

 If so, then division has become a potential weapon, and your calculator (or smartphone, computer, or any electronic device) is a potential delivery system for it."

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