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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Just saw the new Exodus movie

Well filmed, great acting.

Is it true to the text of the Torah narrative?

Well...not exactly.

While it was very entertaining, it elasticly moves in and out of what we traditionally would expect to see in an Exodus movie.

Moses is good looking with a beautiful wife.

Ridley pushes the buttons of the evangelical fundementalist in his depiction of God.

He shook a stick at a bee hive...lol.

Just as with the last Noah themed movie I recommend going just for the special effects alone.

But if your expecting a religious movie true to the Biblical text, this is not your movie.

The highlight for me was when Moses shows up back home and is standing in front of his wife. Behind him are thousands of  the Jews.

She looks at them and says , "who are these people."

He replies , "their my people."

It is their faces that make the moment. She realizes then that indeed her husband left her for some time because he was obviously on a mission from God.

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