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Saturday, May 17, 2014

Jaded and puffed up?

Was thinking of something while watering my front yard.

After years of being involved in "professional" Christianity do some get jaded and caught up in routine? I mean do they loose the flame that set their hearts afire when they first came to Christ?

If it be so, then does God step over them and go elsewhere to manifest His presence?

Celebrity Christian leadership must be a hard thing to survive. All of the attention such a position gets by default may go to one's head in some degree, we being only human.

What if they buy into their own celebrity and rise above others in their own estimation of themselves?

Even though Jesus said,
"But among you it will be different. Those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank, and the leader should be like a servant."
Luke 22:26 

Our system of churches and organizations may not be where God is moving.

Anytime we lift up the individual or organizations we may be causing God to step over them and manifest elsewhere.

Over the years of my Christian experience I have taken note that it seems to always be the "new" Christian Church or fellowship that has God manifesting in their midst.

But only for a few years and then God seems to move on to other "new" places.

Could it be because we lift up and elevate ourselves?

Just my thoughts while watering my garden.

David Sloane

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