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Sunday, April 06, 2014

So where Do You Stand?

A study highlighted by MIT's Technology Review, which makes the bold claim that "Using the Internet can destroy your faith. That's the conclusion of a study showing that the dramatic drop in religious affiliation in the U.S. since 1990 is closely mirrored by the increase in Internet use,"

One person writes...

 "I attribute my becoming an atheist to the internet, so what the study is saying supports my anecdote. If I hadn't been exposed to all of the different arguments about religion, etc., via the internet I would probably just be another person who identifies as religious but doesn't attend services." 

What do you think? Have you become more religious, less religious, or about the same since being on the internet? What if you've always had it?"

Easy access to porn etc have shipwrecked 

What is the solution?

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