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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Exclusive Pictures Of Lonnie Frisbee given to Shekinah Fellowship Thanks To Our Friend David Burgin Up In Canada

A Young Lonnie Frisbee On Big Corona Beach During A Baptismal
Anyone who experienced what it was like to be in the atmosphere of Calvary Chapel when it started will certainly recall this man of God, Lonnie Frisbee.

Everywhere this man went things happened. He started Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa with Pastor Chuck Smith which established hundreds of duplicate churches around the world. He also spawned the Jesus People Movement in north America.

 Then he started the foundation of what would become Greg Laurie's Harvest Crusades.  Greg is one of Lonnie's spiritual sons in the Lord who took over a small ministry that Lonnie Started at All Saints Church in Riverside County CA.

He helped start the Vineyard Association of Churches with Pastor John Wimber which spread around the world.

Then he went to Africa and started a South African Revival that spread across the continent of Africa. Lonnie never knew the impact he had on Africa. It wasn't until years after Lonnie's death that a pastor from Africa contacted Stan Frisbee and shared how in just one of the bible studies alone that Lonnie gave in Africa 200 men went out and started churches all over Africa that were still thriving.

No other man of God in this our time has accomplished as much as this man had done in his short life time.

Lonnie Frisbee speaking at Shekinah Fellowship in 1992 just before he passed away.

Lonnie Frisbee speaking in Scandinavia.

Lonnie Frisbee at home. 

A book about Lonnie Frisbee that we have authenticated to be very accurate and as close to the actual events as anyone could get.

 The first Jesus Freak

How A Mom Reacts Towards Gay People, included Because Lonnie Frisbee Was Gay

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