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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Longest Day Of The Year Is Friday. Saturday Biggest Moon for all of 2013 Perigree Full Moon, watch for it!

 Security and privacy are not optional. Stand with a broad coalition to demand that the NSA stop watching us:

 The height of luxury: a hot tub boat.

 Since 9/11, there has been, at first secretly but increasingly openly, a revocation of the bill of rights for which this country fought over 200 years ago. In particular, the fourth and fifth amendments of the US constitution, which safeguard citizens from unwarranted intrusion by the government into their private lives, have been virtually suspended.

TIL: in 1955, someone dropped a >600 year old plaster buddha statue... to discover the plaster was actually covering a solid gold statue.

"Stanford Law School has kicked off a 'Cookie Clearinghouse' web privacy initiative that brings together researchers and browsers. The project aims to provide a centralized and trusted repository for whitelist and blacklist data on web tracking, much like StopBadware does for malware. Mozilla and Opera are collaborating on the initiative, and Mozilla plans to integrate it into Firefox's new default third-party cookie blocking. The leader of an advertising trade group has, of course, denounced the participating browsers as 'oligopolies.'

Billion-Pixel View of Mars Comes From Curiosity Rover

 "We've learned many lessons in the fallout from Edward Snowden's whistleblowing and flight to Hong Kong, but here's an important one: Never make your sysadmin mad. Even if your organization isn't running a secret, civil-rights violating surveillance program, you're probably managing to annoy your admins in a number of more pedestrian ways that might still have blowback for you. Learn to stay on their good side by going along with their reasonable requests and being specific with your complaints."

Watersliding in an abandoned water park

 Watching for dollars

 "Two radical pro-Israel terrorists were caught in upstate NY when they tried to solicit money from various honorable Jewish organizations to build a truck based x-ray weapon. They intended to drive the truck around and then turn on the x-ray machine, focusing on enemies of Israel. But the Jewish organizations they tried to solicit money from refused to participate. Instead they called the FBI, who promptly set up a sting. The men were arrested before the machine was in working order."

We are sick 

The odd tale of one lone spy

Breakthrough in 3D data storage technology can fit up to 1 petabyte (1000 terabytes) of data on a single DVD

 First Congress Member Allowed to Read Secret Treaty Says “There Is No National Security Purpose In Keeping This Text Secret … This Agreement Hands The Sovereignty of Our Country Over to Corporate Interests”

Found this sign on the edge of our family property.


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