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Sunday, March 03, 2013

Revival, Revival?

Rotten quality sound on old out dated analog equipment recorded to a cassette and a copy of a copy of a copy can not stop the touch of God from reaching down into you where you personally dwell. How can this be?

If you will take the time to get alone and listen to this entire one hour and 32 minute recording I know that you will understand what I mean. Especially if you were alive during some of the greatest out pourings of the Holy Spirit in recent times. Memories and emotions will rise up in you as you listen.

Ignore the scratchy low grade sound and open up your spirit to what is being presented to you. Close your eyes and let the Holy Spirit draw you into the presence of the Lord. When the pauses come and it seems like it is done, it isn't, be patient and it will continue on. Allow yourself to be ministered to, to be quickened into the light. It is not about Ultra HD sound. It is not about awesome speakers and equipment. It is all about content. Spirit to spirit, from the throne to you.

If you listen to this in it's entirety at one sitting you will indeed be blessed. I know that He is in this and that He will touch you in ways that only He can. You will come away with something in your spirit that if you fan it to a flame, you will be changed. And others will be changed...

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