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Tuesday, January 10, 2012





They geoengineer your skies

"At a Romney Event Yesterday, I Was Removed and Arrested. I Still Don't Know Why."

Mitt Romney evidently has no sense of what it’s like NOT to be the very wealthy son of an already wealthy father; no idea how the fear of unemployment or medical bills afflicts ordinary Americans.

Just a minute.......JUST A MINUTE

Ron Paul takes second

Dog Looks For Ball In Leaf Pile

A $5 million check underscores how last year's landmark Supreme Court ruling on campaign finance has made it possible for a wealthy individual to influence an election.

Skype is killing long distance, one minute at a time

How i feel when my dominoes fall over accidently after setting them up for 45 minutes.

Romney claimed in 1994 he created 10,000 jobs at Bain Capital he now claims he created 100,000, a ten-fold increase

My 2 year old son had fun playing on my laptop today...

Sister Bill to NDAA HR 3166 - Doesn't matter if, as a citizen, the NDAA doesn't apply to you, we'll just revoke your citizenship so it does.

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