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Friday, October 21, 2011

Can't Say I Didn't Try To Warn You...TSA Is How You Will Lose Your Freedom To Travel America. Abolish It Now Before It Is Too Late.

Perhaps you are so disgusted by the attitude and tactics of the TSA at the nations airports, that you have chosen to cut back on air travel as much as possible, or stop flying completely. Well, Big Sis has news for you! As this page and many others have warned, the TSA is beginning its roll-out onto the streets of America!

The Tennessee Highway patrol began multi-jurisdictional checkpoints on its highways this week, under the auspices of fighting terrorism. Of course, the 'authorities' always use these checkpoints for any purpose they please- setting up a dragnet for drugs, DUIs, and even bureaucratic regulatory violations! Did anyone doubt what Barack Obama had in mind when he said: "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Despite running a campaign as a peace candidate, and a civil libertarian, the President has shown himself a real proponent of government force, by using any and all means necessary. With their ubiquitous "See something, Say something" campaign, the Dept. of Homeland Security clearly envisions a civilian spy force- looking for terrorists around every corner- and reporting any other suspicious activity along the way!

Is this the kind of country you want to live in? New York and DC are likely terrorist targets, and if the people of those cities feel better with massive police state surveillance- so be it. But this is going NATIONWIDE. It is an absurd waste of money and resources, and history shows that law enforcement/intelligence centralization is dangerous! 

This is how Miramar Camp for the Japanese Americans was possible. Fanning fear and working people up. Don't buy into it! Don't get sucked into it. Resist the brain washing and the hype...

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