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Monday, November 10, 2008


I have been a great fan of clouds since I was a little boy. Watching all the shapes drifting by and looking for imaginary animals and shapes of things in them. Since my job takes place outdoors most of the time I still watch the skies. I have always loved clouds. This is why I noticed that something was not right when NATO started to seed them with chemicals, something that is happening all over the globe. Every time I see the ugly signature of these evil people doing something in the sky I get deeply grieved. Especially since few people seem to notice or even care about it. I took a quick video of one of the white unmarked tanker jets as it did some spraying right above my home.

Here is a video that I made 12, 29, 2004 when for some reason they did not do any spraying of the clouds. I got some awesome pictures and set them to some music which the musician was very kind in giving me permission to use his talent to set the mood that I felt while watching these majestic clouds going past me. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did, and that you will become a sky watcher. I hope that more people will become aware of the evil that has been taking place overhead. Those of us who are in our fifties know what real clouds should look like and can see that what we are seeing overhead these days are not natural.

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