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Thursday, July 31, 2008


(Kinyarwanda language)

The kingdom of heaven is at hand, right now at this very moment. Not on July 23, 2008 at 11:39 PM when I wrote this, but now as you are reading it. No matter what kind of mess you may think you’ve gotten yourself into, life for the born again Christian begins now. You are not in a mess the moment you realize by faith that the kingdom of God is now. Each moment brings with it a new beginning. Not a moment ago, and not a moment from now, but now.

A married couple may say they have been married for thirty years, but in the reality of God’s new life blessing, they are only married moment by moment because the moment is all anyone has. If you were divorced, remember the word: were. That’s history now and you no longer have to live it. Even in revival we must move on or it becomes moldy day old manna.

No matter what the past, even if only a moment ago, it’s the past. The present is where God dwells in the life of a believer. We can begin and begin and begin over and over and over. God’s mercies are renewed every moment of every day. You can only fail in the moment. Life’s failures have no hold on you. God is much bigger than that; more gracious and merciful than you could ever imagine. Failure cannot claim you. It does not own you and you must not allow it to preoccupy you. It cannot own you and Satan cannot force you to own it, though it is his desire that you do.

Remember, we tread upon serpents and the gates of hell cannot prevail against us. "If God be for us, who can be against us." Cast down vain imaginations and do not dwell on the past. If we dwell on the past it will dominate us and rob our future.

Concerning our moment by moment relationship with God, the Bible says, "The very hairs of your head are numbered." God put his truth in simplicity. The numbers are constantly changing. You could pull out one single hair and it alone declares your new beginning.

I was ordained into the ministry thirty seven years ago, but in the reality of God’s new life blessing, I can only be in the ministry, right now at this very moment as I am writing. My ministry has just begun and a moment from now it will begin again.

Whatever in life you feel you have failed at put it behind you and begin again. Begin anew with new hopes and dreams. Circumstances, relationships, and everything else in life are constantly changing but God never changes. He said, "I am the Lord God, I change not." When we begin to live in the moment with God, we are unstoppable. There is nothing that we can’t do, when in him, we begin again.

The kingdom of heaven is at hand. The kingdom of God is now.

Jesus Christ, God of new beginnings.

Revelation 21:5And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

Pastor Tilson

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